Principal Message
Principal’s Message
Welcome to the American Standard International School.
On behalf of our school it is my honor to introduce you to American Standard International School, Dhaka. Each year brings many new faces to our campus, some of whom may be experiencing the American curriculum and culture in an American school for the very first time. Our teachers and support staff are trained and continue to participate in workshops that add to their skills to ensure that they and their colleagues can provide your children with the very best in an American education institution.
We are keen to affiliate with our parents and society to provide enriching experiences for students, families and the greater community.
We are proud of the great strides we have made so far, but we must always seek to move forward and so each year we endeavor to:
- Build affiliations between our school and our parents, as this is one of the building blocks of effective learning.
- Build an all-encompassing school for parents, teachers, non-teaching staff and students to impart shared respect and kindness.
- Become a great school through invention in the classroom and in technology with terrific teachers.
- Develop a true sense of ‘customer service’ attitude in all our staff in their interaction with you, our clients.
- Most of all, we will live by our Motto by keeping American Standard International School:
“A real American school, where learning is Fun”
When you stop by our campus you will most assuredly be struck by our state-of-the-art facility, but more than that you will be moved by the warmth and professionalism of all of our staff.
It is my honor and pleasure to serve as the Principal of the American Standard International School. The school doors are open and welcome you to learn more our school, either through our website or in person.
Should you need any assistance, I am here to serve you.
Warm Regards,